Wednesday, January 2, 2013

strawberry santa

a cheery christmasy cheesecake.

I know it's been quite a while since Christmas time but I've been busy and haven't had a chance to get this recipe up! Aren't these the cutest little strawberries you've ever seen?  I made these to compliment our traditional family breakfast on Christmas morning.  It was nice to have some fresh fruit and vitamins to accompany all the eggs, bacon, and sausages that we have every year!

Whether you are or aren't a fan of cheese cake these are the perfect treat! It's the easiest recipe and you're able to adjust it to your liking although it does take some amount of finicky fine-motor skills to keep those little Santa's hats from falling off!

strawberry santa:

handful of fresh strawberries
handful of chocolate chips or raisins
¼ cup ricotta cheese
1 tsp honey
1 tsp milk (more or less depending how thick your ricotta is)
⅛ tsp salt

 Slice the leaves off the strawberries then slice the tops off.  In a bowl combine ricotta, honey, milk and salt with a hand mixer or a whisk. Transfer ricotta mixture into a piping bag or ziploc bag with a corner cut off. Squeeze mixture onto strawberries in a round formation. Carefully place strawberry hats on top. Squeeze a small dollop for the hat's fluff and place chocolate chips or raisins in place for the eyes. Serve immediately. Beware that the hats may start slipping off. ENJOY!

a healthful hint:
Strawberries are a great source of vitamin C and they also help regulate blood sugar. Using honey rather than sugar not only adds a great flavour but it is also a totally natural sweetner that comes loaded with antioxidants for a healthy heart and antibacterical properties for a healthy body! Using low fat cheese such as ricotta is a great way to get a serving of calcium and protein without all the saturated fats.

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