Tuesday, November 13, 2012

pumpkin spice latte

pleasant pumpkin pleasure.

Fall is coming to an end and that means that its out with the pumpkins and in with the peppermint.  Stores were already stocking their shelves with Christmas gear before Halloween had even happened and then day after it was like it had never even happened!  I'd say its too much too fast.  We should enjoy the small breaks between all the bustling holidays so it's more exciting when they finally arrive, well that's what I think anyways.  As much as I love the Christmas and holiday season I'm not finished enjoying all the autumn amenities... not to say that I've already decided to crank up the Christmas tunes starting next week, or maybe earlier...

Well. If you're like me and love autumn for all it is, and love pumpkin for all it is, and don't love Starbucks because you can't afford it and because the day you decide you want to splurge they are all out of pumpkin spice latte syrup, this treat is right up your alley!

I have to say that this treat is much more rich and savory than its Starbucks sibling because this one is made with REAL ACTUAL PUMPKIN!

pumpkin spice latte:

Serves 1.

- ¾ cup milk (almond milk is great in it as well!) 
- ¼ cup strong coffee or one shot espresso
- 2 - 3 tbsp pure pumpkin puree
- 2 tsp sugar or 1 packet splenda
- ½ - 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
- ½ -1 tsp cinnamon
- ½ vanilla extract

* almond milk gives it a great extra something! The only difference is that almond milk's flavour is more powerful so you may want to use closer to the larger portion of pumpkin and spices. I'm sure vanilla almond milk would taste amazing as well!

Make your coffee.  In a small saucepan combine milk, pumpkin, spices, and sweetness over medium heat.  Bring to a boil.  Remove from heat and stir in the vanilla.  Add milky spicy pumpkin mixture to coffee.  Stir.  Top with whipped cream. Sprinkle with pumpkin pie spice.  ENJOY!

 a healthful hint:
Coffee is loaded with antioxidants, which we all know are great at fighting free-radicals in your body to keep you healthy and happy! Studies have also shown that coffee-drinkers have a decreased risk of developing type 2 diabetes because it contains minerals such as magnesium and chromium which help your body use insulin which is needed to regulate blood sugar.  There have also been findings that coffee-drinkers also have a decreased risk of Parkinson's disease and dementia.  These benefits are attributed to the coffee itself because they can be seen in both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffees and caffeine doesn't present health concerns if it is consumed in moderation.  The pumpkin is loaded with vitamin C and A, the milk with calcium, and cinnamon boosts your metabolism What better way to start your day?

Let me know what you think of this compared to the one at Starbucks! 

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