Friday, September 7, 2012

jello shooters

citrus celebration slices.

Everyone loves jello shots.  Everyone hates shooting them. Having to suck, slurp, and stick your tongue all up in those stupid little cups.  Such a cute idea at first. Colourful, delcious, jiggly shots that mask the alcohol flavour perfectly turns you into a disugusting, drooling dog-like creature trying to get every last drop. Anyways!  This version is cuter in presentation and participation.  

citrus slice jello shooters:
- 1 package of jello
- 1 cup of citrus vodka
- ¾ hot water 
- ¼ cup fresh squeezed fruit juice
- citrus fruit to match,  emptied peels

*we got creative and made three different jello batches with different combinations of flavours but these instructions are for just ONE batch.

Cut fruit of choice in half. Carefully scoop out contents of halved fruit and put them in a separate bowl.  Squeeze and strain the fruit flesh so you are just left with juice. Boil water. Mix jello powder with ¾ cup of water, 1 cup of vodka and ¼ cup of your fresh juice. Stir until all powder is dissolved. Fill fruit halves and put them in the fridge to set.  Once set, carefully slice the halves into wedges. Serve immediately. Enjoy!

Some of ours melted. The lime ones were perfect though! AND verrrrrry limey. The recipe posted was the one we used for the lime ones.  With the other fruits we used MORE fruit juice (½ cup juice and ½ cup water).  We also had them sitting out of the fridge for a really long time on a very warm summer evening, so that definitely didn't help! SO just don't do either of those things. The juice definitely made them more delicious BUT if you want to play it safe just omit the juice completely and stick to 1 cup water and 1 cup vodka.

My best friend and I made these and popped some candles in to celebrate our friend's birthday and the end of a sweet summer. Make them, share them, and shoot them with friends!

a healthful hint:
You get a sweet serving of vitamin C from all the citrus fruit along with some stress relief and a goooood night  from the alcohol.  BUT that's probably the only healthful thing about these treats. I'd say they're still allowed in this nook because they're nourishing for... the soul.  We'll just stick with that!

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