Wednesday, July 11, 2012

mini frittatas

frittata's for father's day!

If you're an omelette, quiche, frittata or just a plain egg lover like my father... these are for you!

Usually my sister and I go for good old breakfast in bed for father's day but with this meal plan we really had a lot on our plates!  We started the day with a trip to the local fruit markets to pick up a bunch of fresh veg.  On our way home we stumbled across a mulberry tree and picked some delicious fresh mulberries to add to our fabulous spread of fruit!  This is a great recipe that makes a dozen mini frittatas for a fun family morning and not to mention its healthy too!  What better way to greet the day than with a punch of protein and boost of vitamins? 

Makes 12.
mini frittatas:
- 6 whole eggs 
- 8 egg whites
- 2 tbsp grated parmesan cheese
- 2 tbsp milk
- salt and pepper 
- paprika

- 1/2 red bell pepper
- 1/2 red onion
- 2 garlic cloves
- 4-5 asparagus
- 6 large spinach leaves
- 8 cherry tomatoes
- 1 bush of brocoli

Preheat oven to 350º F.  Grease or spray cups of a muffin tin.  Whisk whole eggs, egg whites, milk, salt and pepper in a bowl.  Chop all veggies up very small.  Sauté veggies but NOT the tomatoes with 1 tbsp of olive oil.  Half fill each muffin cup with sautéd veggies.  Fill the rest of each cup with the egg mixture.  Pop in the oven for 20-25 minutes.  Keep checking to make sure the tops don't burn.  When ready sprinkle tops with parmesan cheese and paprika.  Turn oven to broil.  Toss them back in for a quick minute to melt cheese.  When finished, let cool slightly and carefully remove from cups.  ENJOY!

*next time I think I'll try using paper muffin cups to line the tray because they were a little difficult to remove

 Serve with bacon, toast, fresh fruit and refreshing drinks.

a healthful hint:
Adding extra egg whites increases the amount of protein in this meal without increasing the fat from the egg yolks.  Although egg yolks are super healthy and jam-packed with essential vitamins and nutrients, they are also full of fat.  Of that fat, lots of it is omega-3 and omega-6 but there is also cholesterol.  SO if you're watching your fat in-take, top up your egg creations with more whites instead.  It is also really good to buy pasteurized liquid egg whites so you don't have to waste any yolks, or keep the yolks in an air-tight container in the fridge for another day!  All the veggies give you a healthy vitamin boost which is enhanced even more by pairing this meal with fresh fruit on the side!

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